EXTRA-UE Mobility Program 2025 2026


Mobility allows first, second and third cycle students to spend a period of study at a non-EU foreign university that has signed a cultural and scientific collaboration agreement with the University of Florence.

The activities planned abroad can be:

- carrying out a period of study and taking the exam at the end of the teaching units (the study period can also be integrated with an internship period, where required by the study plan);

- elaboration of the degree thesis or part of it on the basis of a work plan approved by the supervisor and the responsible professor in the host institution.

To facilitate the research for the Extra-UE Host Institution, it is possible to download THE LIST of the agreements in which you can find useful link for choosing courses.

Once you have selected the course to be taken abroad, it is necessary to obtain the equivalence FORM by the relevant UNIFI professor. This form is nor required for the free choice exams.

If also interested in an Extra-EU internship, it is first necessary to check whether the contact person for the agreement is from the department to which the course in which the student is enrolled belongs. If so, he or she should contact the reference professor to make sure that there is an actual possibility of an internship.
It should be noted that Extra-EU mobility cannot be only for internships but the internship can be integrated to the study period. Otherwise, the internship must be combined with the final project work, if you do not intend to do a period of study.

Online application

Online application active from 13.00 on 07/02/2025


Announcement Non-EU International Mobility a.a. 2025/2026, deadline 6 March 2025 1.00 p.m.


List of Agreements 2025-2026


Equivalence Form

rtf, pdf

Annex 1- Accepted language certificates


Annex 2 - Exemption from language certification


Annex 3 - ISCED code 


Declaration of degree - related research mobility

rtf pdf

Confirmation of degree - related research mobility

rtf pdf

FAQ 2025-2026


Learning Agreement for Study

rtf pdf

Learning Agreement for Traineeship 

rtf - pdf

Evaluation Committee pdf

Information contents

Presentation of the call 


Registration of the meeting

For any additional information please contact International Relations Office

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