Language Requirements


The majority of courses at School of Engineering are taught in Italian, we offers three courses completely taught in English: the Master Degree in Geoengineering (,  Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability ( and Master Degree in Management Engineering

List of Courses A.Y.2024-25 taught in English 

Incoming exchange students must provide:

- Certified B1 level of Italian mandatory to attend courses held in Italian

- Certified B2 English mandatory to attend courses held in English


Incoming students can attend an Italian Language course without paying any fees. You can find all the information at this link:;

Please bear in mind that the ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE at CLA cannot be included in the Learning agreements as it won't give you any credit (ECTS) to be registered on your final Transcipt of Records.


Please note that, even in the case of enrolling only in courses taught in English, a knowledge of the Italian language corresponding to B1 level is strongly recommended for day-to-day life at the University and more generally in Florence.

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