Double Degree Agreements

In order to promote the international mobility of the students, UNIFI has signed agreements finalized to the award of a double degree for the following Master Degree courses:


  • Class of the Master Degrees in Environmental Engineering (LM-35), such as: Environmental Engineering or Geoengineering - (referent of agreements Prof. Enrica Caporali) with the following institutions:
Country Institution Course

North Macedonia

Università “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” di Skopje

Master Degree in “Environmental and Resources Engineering”


Università di Novi Sad

Master Degree in “Water Treatment and Safety Engineering”


Università Politecnica di Tirana

Master Degree in “Geoenvironmental Engineering”

  • Class of the Master Degree in Management Engineering (LM-31) with the following institution:
Country Institution Course


Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Master of Science in Engineering with specialization in Business Engineering


For information regarding access criteria, please refer to the relevant call that is published annually.



Academic Year 2025-2026

1. Call for international mobility academic year 2025-2026 at the University SS CYRIL AND METHODIUS DI SKOPJE (Macedonia del Nord) and University of NOVI SAD (Serbia)  where there is an agreement finalized to the recognition of the double title for the students enrolled  the Master Degree program in Environmental Engineering and/or Master Degree program in Geoengineering (LM-35). 

Call (expiry date April 8th, 2024 at 1.00 pm)  pdf
Application form rtf - pdf
Equivalence form rtf

2. Call for international mobility academic year 2025-2026 at the POLITECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF TIRANA (Albania)  where there is an agreement finalized to the recognition of the double title for the students enrolled to the Master Degree program in Environmental Engineering and/or Master Degree program in Geoengineering.

Call (expiry date April 8th, 2024 at 1.00 pm) pdf
Application form rtf - pdf
Equivalence form rtf


Expired Calls

1. Call for international mobility academic year 2025-2026 at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences (HSLU) – Switzerland, where it is an agreement finalized to the recognition of the double title for the students enrolled at first year of the Master Degree in Management Engineering (LM-31)


Call (expiry date December 9th, 2024 at 1.00 pm) pdf
Application Form rtf - pdf
Evaluation Committee pdf
List of eligible students pdf
Acceptance mobility form rtf







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